Although the implementation of social distancing is necessary to flatten the coronavirus curve and prevent the current pandemic from worsening, the stress of isolation can have an affect on anyone. With elders designated as “high risk”, elders and those supporting them worry that precautions could further isolate this vulnerable community, exacerbating loneliness and stress.
Chronic stress is harmful to your health and can be particularly hazardous for elders. Although it’s difficult to determine the extent to which chronic stress affects the health of elders, there is undoubtedly a correlation.
Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe
Isolation of older Americans prompts fears amid coronavirus
The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence
Coronavirus risks making older people lonelier than they already are
Coronavirus social distancing: How to stay sane
Coronavirus will also cause a loneliness epidemic
Isolation-Induced Depression in Seniors
Quarantine is effective but stressful tool against coronavirus
A Coronavirus Guide for Older Adults (And Their Family Advocates)
I would like to know where to send masks, I have 250 to donate
Here’s some organizations accepting mask donations.